Jurnal Ilmiah Widya Pustaka Pendidikan
<p><strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Widya Pustaka Pendidikan</strong> merupakan jurnal ilmiah akses terbuka dan peer-review yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Mataram. Tujuan penerbitan jurnal ini adalah untuk menyebarluaskan teori-teori baru dan hasil penelitian yang telah dicapai di bidang pendidikan dasar. Berisi Artikel konseptual hasil kajian analitis kritis dan atau artikel hasil penelitian di bidang kajian Bidang Pendididkan, Bahasa Indonesia, Bidang Pendidikan PKn, Bidang Pendidikan IPS, Bidang Pendidikan Matematika, Bidang Pendidikan IPA, Bidang Ilmu Kependidikan, Pendidikan Agama, Penjaskes, dan Pendidikan Seni Budaya. Jurnal ini menerima Semua topik tentang hasil studi dan penelitian dosen, mahasiswa, guru, praktisi dan ilmuwan di bidang pendidikan dasar. Untuk kategori penelitian, artikel dapat ditulis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif dan dapat dibuat dalam berbagai desain penelitian, seperti penelitian tindakan, eksperimen, dan studi kasus.</p>Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Mataramen-USJurnal Ilmiah Widya Pustaka Pendidikan2337-45004 KARYA ULAMA ACEH
<p>Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mendeskripsikan sejarah Di Indonesia memilki 4 ulama memenggaruhi ajarannya islam ke Indonesia terutama aceh. Dan mengetahui jejak karya ulama maka dari itu di bahas pada karya 4 ulama aceh yaitu dan mengetahui karya yang tidak ditemukan apa alasannya. Dalam riset ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan (Library Research) dengan pendekatan kajian teoritis kepustakaan penyusun melakukan pengumpulan dari berbagai sumber yang relevan dengan tema yang sedang dibahas. Inilah karya 4 ulama aceh Syeikh Hamzah Fansuri salah satunya karyanya Asrar Al-Aufin, Syeikh Syamsuddin As-Sumatrani salah satu karyanya Mir’atu’l-Muhaqqiqin, Syeikh Nuruddin ar-Raniri Karyanya yang terkenal adalah Bustanussalatin, dan Abdurrauf As-Singkili Salah satu karyanya tarjuman al-Mustafid Atau nama lainnya al-Qur’an al-karim wa Bihamisyihi Turjuman al- Mulstafid. 4 ulama ini semua memiliki kontribusi yang signifikan dalam pengembangan Islam di Aceh dan memiliki pengaruh yang masih dirasakan hingga saat ini. 4 ulama aceh telah meninggalkan warisan keilmuan yang sangat berharga.</p>Gusti Rahayu
Copyright (c) 2024 Gusti Rahayu
<p>Interest in learning is the psychological drive from within students to learn something with full awareness, tranquility, and discipline. The purpose of this research is to describe the cultivation of students' interest in learning, thereby attracting students to engage in learning. The method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative. The sources of this research are third-grade homeroom teachers. The instruments used are interviews and observations conducted by both students and teachers. The findings of this research reveal the teacher's techniques in cultivating students' interest in learning. In conclusion, the teacher cultivates students' interest in learning by generating interesting ideas to captivate students' curiosity in the learning process.</p>Mei SastiFirla Emilia
Copyright (c) 2024 Mei Sasti, Firla Emilia
<p><em>The ability to solve contextual mathematical problems is a crucial skill that students need to possess. However, students often encounter difficulties in solving problems presented in real-life contexts. Understanding students' thought processes in solving contextual problems can provide valuable insights for teachers to design more effective learning strategies. This research aims to explore and gain a deep understanding of students' thinking processes when solving contextual mathematical problems, focusing on how students comprehend the problems, the strategies they employ in problem-solving, and the difficulties they encounter during the process. This study will employ a qualitative approach using a case study method, where data will be collected through observations, in-depth interviews, and analysis of students' work. The collected data will be thematically analyzed to identify patterns, strategies, and difficulties experienced by students, with data analysis conducted progressively and iteratively to ensure the depth and validity of findings. The research findings are expected to provide valuable insights into students' thinking processes in solving contextual mathematical problems, which can be utilized by teachers to design more effective learning strategies, assist students in developing problem-solving skills, and enhance students' ability to apply mathematics in everyday life.</em></p>Ahmad Rifai SiregarAgnes Alfi Khairuni SiraitAsrifah SiahaanDella Permata RahmahElma Batasia SiregarKhairunnisa' NabilahMutiara KhadijahNur Halimah MatondangNur Hidayah Br. Karo
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Rifai Siregar, Agnes Alfi Khairuni Sirait, Asrifah Siahaan, Della Permata Rahmah, Elma Batasia Siregar, Khairunnisa' Nabilah, Mutiara Khadijah, Nur Halimah Matondang, Nur Hidayah Br. Karo
<p><em>Civic education has an important role in overcoming the constitutional crisis in Indonesia. Through civic education, people can think critically, creatively, and responsibly. In addition, the public can also have a greater ability to actively participate in the political process and hold the government accountable, and can reduce the likelihood of a constitutional crisis in the future. The constitutional crisis is a phenomenon that can shake the political and social stability of a country. Citizenship plays an important role as a key element that helps maintain the integrity and resilience of the country's constitution. In Indonesia, which has a long history of facing various constitutional crises, the role of citizenship is often a key factor in overcoming these challenges. This study explores the role of citizenship in overcoming the constitutional crisis in Indonesia through the analysis of several important historical cases. This study uses a systematic review method. The data collection method is carried out through documentation and literature studies. The data analysis technique uses source triangulation, which is in the form of searching for data from various sources of different journals and libraries to ensure data suitability. The results of the study show that effective civic education can increase political awareness and participation, reduce legal uncertainty, and strengthen trust in democratic institutions. Through this analysis of historical cases, it is evident that countries that consistently implement civic education are better able to face constitutional challenges.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>Egitia Dwi LestariDesi Aulia PutriHendru Prawinata
Copyright (c) 2024 Egitia Dwi Lestari
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Di era globalisasi yang terus berkembang pesat, kemampuan berpikir logis, analitis, dan kritis menjadi semakin penting untuk dimiliki setiap individu. Pendidikan matematika memiliki peran sentral dalam mengasah kemampuan-kemampuan tersebut, sehingga generasi muda dapat dipersiapkan untuk menghadapi tantangan dan memanfaatkan peluang di masa depan dengan lebih baik. Mengingat perannya yang krusial, penelitian di bidang pendidikan matematika menjadi sangat penting untuk terus dilakukan guna meningkatkan kualitas proses pembelajaran dan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini melakukan kajian sistematis terhadap 123 tesis S2 Pendidikan Matematika di Universitas Negeri Medan periode 2020-2023 dengan tujuan mengidentifikasi tren penelitian, mencakup analisis topik utama yang diteliti, perkembangan fokus dari tahun ke tahun, serta metode penelitian yang digunakan. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan topik terbanyak adalah pengembangan model/metode pembelajaran matematika, diikuti analisis kemampuan/keterampilan siswa dalam matematika, dan pengembangan media/teknologi pembelajaran, dengan metode penelitian yang dominan adalah <em>Research and Development</em> (R&D) serta <em>Eksperimentan Research</em>. Teridentifikasi pula pergeseran fokus tahunan seperti peningkatan penelitian pengembangan model/metode pembelajaran pada 2022-2023, mencerminkan komitmen untuk berinovasi, memahami kemampuan siswa secara mendalam, serta mengintegrasikan teknologi di tengah perkembangan zaman dan tuntutan pasar kerja.</p>Ahmad Rifai SiregarNur Halimah MatondangWaminton Rajagukguk
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Rifai Siregar, Nur Halimah Matondang, Waminton Rajagukguk
<p><em>Mathematics education at the high school level has an important role in preparing students to continue their studies or enter the world of work. To improve its quality, the Indonesian government has made several curriculum changes, including the 2006 Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP), the 2013 Curriculum, and the 2020 Merdeka Belajar Curriculum. This research aims to analyze trends in mathematics education at the high school level based on curriculum changes from 2006 to 2024 , by identifying and analyzing changes in material aspects, learning approaches, and assessments, and evaluating their impact on the quality of high school mathematics education. Using the literature research method, data was obtained from journal articles, books, research reports, policy documents and other relevant literature which were analyzed qualitatively. The research results show a shift in focus in material, learning approaches, and assessment systems along with curriculum changes, where in general the mathematics learning outcomes of high school students have increased but there are still implementation challenges in the field. Curriculum changes also have an impact on improving students' skills in critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, communication, creativity, and the use of digital technology in mathematics learning. Despite the challenges, curriculum changes provide opportunities to improve the quality of mathematics education and develop 21st century skills.</em></p>Nadya RamadhaniJodi Mahmud SiregarWaminton Rajaguguk
Copyright (c) 2024 Nadya Ramadhani, Jodi Mahmud Siregar, Waminton Rajaguguk