Jurnal Interaktif: Warta Pengabdian Pendidikan https://jiwpp.unram.ac.id/index.php/jiwpp <p><strong>Jurnal Interaktif: Warta Pengabdian Pendidikan</strong> is a forum to publish and disseminate the results of service programs or services to the community in the development and application of theory, science, concept of thought, models, or research results aimed at improving the quality of life of the community. Jurnal Interaktif: Warta Pengabdian Pendidikan is published by Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Mataram. Jurnal Interaktif: Warta Pengabdian Pendidikan publishes two numbers in each volume or twice in one year in June and December.</p> Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan, FKIP, Universitas Mataram en-US Jurnal Interaktif: Warta Pengabdian Pendidikan 2798-3870 WORKSHOP PENYUSUNAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS PENDIDIKAN INKLUSIF DI GUGUS 1 KEC. KOPANG KAB. LOMBOK TENGAH https://jiwpp.unram.ac.id/index.php/jiwpp/article/view/104 <p><em>Education is one of human efforts to improve the dignity and standard of life. This improvement effort is carried out by developing competence, knowledge, attitudes, and the need for education which is the right of all citizens, and this is guaranteed by the 1945 Constitution. Implementing inclusive education is one way to make this happen. District Government Central Lombok, through the Department of Education and Culture, in collaboration with Innovation Indonesia and FKIP UNRAM, is holding a series of workshops, one of which is strengthening teacher competency in selecting and utilizing inclusive education-based learning media. The workshop was held in Gugus 1 Kec. Kopang with a total of 8 elementary schools and 32 lower class teachers as participants. Activities were carried out in October 2019 through workshops and field assistance. The results of the activity show that the objective of the activity was achieved, namely strengthening the competency of elementary school teachers in selecting and utilizing inclusive education-based media in the classroom. The pretest and posttest results show that the teacher's conceptual understanding has increased.</em></p> Heri Setiawan Ari Karnia Ahmad Ahmad Heri Hadi Saputra Itsna Oktaviyanti Lalu Hamdian Affandi Ida Ermiana A. Hari Witono Mansur Hakim Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Interaktif: Warta Pengabdian Pendidikan 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 4 1 1 7 10.29303/interaktif.v4i1.104 SOSIALISASI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN INTERAKTIF BAGI CALON GURU SEKOLAH DASAR UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PENGETAHUAN DAN KETERAMPILAN SISWA https://jiwpp.unram.ac.id/index.php/jiwpp/article/view/138 <p><em>The role of teachers in preparing appropriate strategies in facing the society 5.0 era is very large. One of them is preparing learning strategies as a bridge that will be used in the learning process. Learning strategies do not only include learning methods or media but the learning model used is the key to the success of the ongoing learning process. The era of society 5.0 demands technological collaboration requiring interactive learning models in the process. The interactive learning model utilizes technology in its application, namely using audio-visual elements which enable the involvement of student responses in the learning process. The stages of socialization activities for this interactive learning model for prospective elementary school teachers are: a) initial stage, b) preparation stage, c) implementation stage and d) evaluation stage. Based on the recapitulation results of the distribution of pre- and post-activity questionnaires, it shows that there is an increase in the knowledge and skills possessed by activity participants regarding interactive learning models that can be applied in the classroom. Most participants expressed interest in interactive learning models that use games in their implementation.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Yuni Wahyuningsih Baiq Nurkhaerat Alimuddin Ni Made Yeni Suranti Aisa Nikmah Rahmatih Copyright (c) 2024 Yuni Wahyuningsih Baiq, Nurkhaerat Alimuddin, Ni Made Yeni Suranti, Aisa Nikmah Rahmatih https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 4 1 8 14 10.29303/interaktif.v4i1.138 PELATIHAN IMPLEMENTASI STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN NUMERASI DI SDN 14 CAKRANEGARA https://jiwpp.unram.ac.id/index.php/jiwpp/article/view/141 <p><em>Numeracy is one of the basic skills that students must have, especially students in elementary schools. Meanwhile, SDN 14 Cakranegara is one of the school partners that has implemented the Kurikulum Merdeka. Thus, reforms are needed in the implementation of learning, especially numeracy. Teachers at SDN 14 Cakranegara need refreshment regarding implementing numeracy learning that is fun and meaningful for students. Therefore, the service team intends to carry out training on the implementation of numeracy learning for elementary school teachers. This service goes through a process of preparation, implementation and evaluation (reporting). The training method is carried out by presenting material and implementing numeracy learning practices. The training was held on November 25 2023 with participants being teachers at SDN 14 Cakranegara. The training includes presentation of material, numeracy learning practice, and discussion. After that, an evaluation was carried out and the participants' responses to the activities were explored. A total of 9-11 participants stated that they understood numeracy and were able to explain numeracy across the curriculum in school learning</em></p> Vivi Rachmatul Hidayati Amrullah A. Wahab Jufri Sukardi Copyright (c) 2024 Vivi Rachmatul Hidayati, Amrullah, A. Wahab Jufri, Sukardi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 4 1 15 21 10.29303/interaktif.v4i1.141 PENDAMPINGAN PBM BERBASIS STEM DI SMP MUHAMMADIYAH KARTOSENTANAN MERAUKE https://jiwpp.unram.ac.id/index.php/jiwpp/article/view/139 <p><em>STEM merupakan salah satu jenis pendekatan yang menggabungkan sains, teknologi, teknik dan matematika dalam kegiatan belajar siswa. Telah dilakukan survey kepada guru IPA SMP Muhammadiyah Kartosentanan sudah mengetahui apa itu pendekatan STEM akan tetapi masuh kesulitan dalam pengaplikasianya dalam PBM. Pendampingan yang telah dilakukan terdadap kepada guru IPA sebagai berikut: 1) mengadakan FGD pada guru IPA, 2) mengadakan BIMTEK mengenai STEM, 3) mengembangkan RPP berbasis STEM, 4) mengevaluasi, 5) melakukan revisi RPP yang telah dikembangkan oleh guru. Beberapa guru telah mampu mengembangkan RPP dengan kategori sangat baik sebesar 67% dan 33% lainya masuk dalam kategori baik. Hasil pengembangan RPP yang telah dilakukan dapat dijadikan prototype dalam pembelajaran STEM</em></p> Aprilita Ekasari Algiranto Algiranto Copyright (c) 2024 Aprilita Ekasari, Algiranto Algiranto https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 4 1 22 27 10.29303/interaktif.v4i1.139 PELATIHAN PENYUSUNAN MODUL AJAR TERINTEGRASI DENGAN ASESMEN DIAGNOSTIK PADA GURU SD DI SDN 8 CAKRANEGARA https://jiwpp.unram.ac.id/index.php/jiwpp/article/view/144 <p><em>Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu untuk mendampingi guru dalam menyusun modul ajar. Hal ini guna untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pedagogic guru dalam melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai pengajar. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di SDN 8 Cakranegara dan diikuti oleh 15 peserta yaitu guru dan kepala sekolah. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga tahap kegiatan yang meliputi persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan pengabdian diketahui bahwa semua peserta kegiatan jalannya kegiatan dengan antusias. Semua peserta dapat menyusun modul ajar dengan baik hal ini diketahui dari hasil modul ajar yang dikumpulkan oleh peserta.</em></p> Darmiany Darmiany Nurhasanah Nurhasanah Khairun Nisa I Nyoman Karma Iva Nurmawanti Copyright (c) 2024 Darmiany Darmiany, Nurhasanah Nurhasanah, Khairun Nisa, I Nyoman Karma, Iva Nurmawanti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 4 1 28 32 10.29303/interaktif.v4i1.144 PELATIHAN PENGGUNAAN PHET SIMULATION UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN IPA CALON GURU SD TAHUN 2024 https://jiwpp.unram.ac.id/index.php/jiwpp/article/view/142 <p><em>Training on the use of PhET Simulation for prospective elementary school teachers in 2024 aims to improve technical and pedagogical skills in teaching science. This training involved a series of planning, introductory, workshop, and evaluation sessions, with a focus on the use of interactive simulations as a learning aid. Evaluation results showed significant improvements in participants' understanding and confidence. Participants also showed greater creativity in designing interactive and interesting learning plans. Despite technical challenges and the need for additional support, it is hoped that this training will improve the quality of science education in Indonesia, motivating students to become more interested and achieve in the field of science. Ongoing support and technological infrastructure improvements are needed to ensure the positive impact of this training continues.</em></p> Ibrahim Bahtiar Bahtiar Maimun Maimun Ni Made Yeni Suranti Nurkhaerat Alimuddin Baiq Yuni Wahyuningsih Hasnawati Hasnawati Copyright (c) 2024 Ibrahim, Bahtiar Bahtiar, Maimun Maimun, Ni Made Yeni Suranti, Nurkhaerat Alimuddin, Baiq Yuni Wahyuningsih, Hasnawati Hasnawati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 4 1 33 38 10.29303/interaktif.v4i1.142 WORKSHOP PENYUSUNAN BOOKLET PEMBELAJARAN NUMERASI SESUAI LEVEL KEMAMPUAN SISWA BAGI PENGAWAS SD/MI https://jiwpp.unram.ac.id/index.php/jiwpp/article/view/140 <p><em>Implementation of Kurikulum Merdeka has been focused on creating students’ characteristics-based learning, particularly in numeracy learning. Accomplishment of such mission requires supervisor involvement. So far, Kurikulum Merdeka piloting only focused on teacher competency improvement with little attention to supervisor involvement. Present workshop is aimed at increasing supervisor readiness for supporting numeracy learning which is based on students’ prior ability. Present workshop was attended by 17 representatives of SD/MI supervisor in District of Lombok Tengah. The workshop was conducted by means of oral presentations, class discussions, small group discussion, and group presentation. The workshop resulted 4 drafts of prior ability-based booklets. The booklets are expected to improve students’ early numeracy skills. However, the booklets are not variative enough to accommodate various essential learning materials in numeracy learning. Therefore, continuous collaboration is necessary for ensuring effective numeracy learning in the era of Kurikulum Merdeka.</em></p> Lalu Hamdian Affandi Vivi Rachmatul Hidayati Muhammad Erfan Itsna Oktaviyanti Husniati Husniati Copyright (c) 2024 Lalu Hamdian Affandi, Vivi Rachmatul Hidayati, Muhammad Erfan, Itsna Oktaviyanti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 4 1 38 45 10.29303/interaktif.v4i1.140 PROJECT BASED LEARNING PEMBELAJARAN IPA MATERI MINUMAN SEHAT DI SCIENCE TECHNO PARK UNITRI PADA SISWA KELAS 5 SDN 1 LANDUNGSARI KABUPATEN MALANG https://jiwpp.unram.ac.id/index.php/jiwpp/article/view/143 <p><em>Learning Media are learning facilities and infrastructure that must be present in education. SDN 1 Landungsari has various learning media to support classroom learning. It's just that there are several media that don't yet exist, such as microscopes, slides, dropper pipettes and glass beakers for testing healthy food/drinks in class 5 science lesson content, theme 3, sub-theme 2. For this reason, based on the problems above, PKM Project Based Learning is carried out in Science Learning. Material for Healthy Drinks at Science Techno Park Unitri for Grade 5 Students at SDN 1 Landungsari, Malang Regency, this is a solution to problems. Efforts to implement the solutions that have been offered are carried out through preparation, implementation and evaluation activities. The activity was held on August 30 2022 by bringing 5th grade students of SDN 1 Landungsari along with 5th grade teachers to the UNITRI science Techno park. This activity succeeded in concretizing students about the theory of bacteria, this can be seen from the students' drawings and several students' questions that linked the bacteria they saw on YouTube with direct observations through a microscope.</em></p> Moh. Farid Nurul Anwar Zuni Mitasari Kardiana Metha Rhozhana Yuswa Istikomayanti Amalia Khumaidah Copyright (c) 2024 Moh. Farid Nurul Anwar, Zuni Mitasari, Kardiana Metha Rhozhana, Yuswa Istikomayanti, Amalia Khumaidah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 4 1 46 52 10.29303/interaktif.v4i1.143 SOSIALISASI LANDASAN PENDIDIKAN DI SEKOLAH DASAR PADA KURIKULUM MERDEKA DI MI MUHAMMADIYAH 16 KARANGASEM https://jiwpp.unram.ac.id/index.php/jiwpp/article/view/148 <p><em>The socialization of educational foundations within the Merdeka Curriculum in primary schools is crucial for enhancing teachers' understanding as implementers of the new curriculum. This community service aims to introduce the educational foundations that underpin the Merdeka Curriculum to teachers at MI Muhammadiyah 16 Karangasem. The methods employed include lectures, visual presentations, discussions, question-and-answer sessions, and case studies. The results indicate an improvement in teachers' understanding, enthusiasm, and active participation in comprehending the philosophical, juridical, sociological, psychological, and technological foundations of the Merdeka Curriculum. Overall, this activity successfully enhances teachers' understanding of the Merdeka Curriculum's foundations. However, further accompanying programs and ongoing monitoring are necessary to ensure optimal implementation in the field.</em></p> Arfian Mudayan A.F. Suryaning Ati MZ Rossa Selfi Yuliana Putri Hamam Afif Sururi Copyright (c) 2024 Arfian Mudayan, A.F. Suryaning Ati MZ, Rossa Selfi Yuliana Putri, Hamam Afif Sururi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 4 1 53 59 10.29303/interaktif.v4i1.148 UPAYA MENINGKATKAN CAPAIAN IKU PERGURUAN TINGGI MELALUI KEGIATAN SK-MBKM MANDIRI https://jiwpp.unram.ac.id/index.php/jiwpp/article/view/152 <p><em>IKU is a performance measurement system used to evaluate the performance of higher education institutions in Indonesia. Nine forms of learning activities (BKP) are the primary support for achieving the PT's IKU 2. FKIP is one of the faculties at Mataram University, which has a strategic role in filling IKU 2. To fulfill this expectation, outreach activities and workshops must be carried out. Through outreach activities and workshops by presenting representatives of lecturers and students from all study programs, FKIP hopes that PT IKU's achievements can increase by the targets set by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, Technology, and Higher Education. The results of the socialization and workshop activities showed that (1) there was an increase in participants' (lecturers and students') understanding of the importance of MBKM Mandiri, and (2) students formulated various BKP options as a manifestation of their participation in MBKM. Based on these results, the recommendation is that constructive support from each study program is needed to guide and train students to choose the right BKP according to their needs and potential.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Edy Herianto Rispawati Rispawati Siti Istiningsih Asrin Asrin Copyright (c) 2024 Edy Herianto, Rispawati Rispawati, Siti Istiningsih, Asrin Asrin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 4 1 60 70 10.29303/interaktif.v4i1.152