The current COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has an impact on formal education, starting from elementary school to higher education. This impact is no exception experienced by elementary schools located in Cluster 1, Kedungkandang District, Malang City. The existence of the pandemic caused teaching and learning activities (KBM) that were originally offline to turn online. This condition certainly results in changes in the learning system, including changes in learning approaches and learning models used in KBM. Further studies obtained data that for the KMB to continue to be carried out, of course, technological tools are needed that can connect educators with students. The problem that occurs in the field is how educators can utilize and use these technological tools in learning. One of the learning approaches that are considered coherent with current situations and conditions is the TPACK approach. Based on these reasons, the researcher aims to provide action in the form of direction and assistance to elementary school teachers in Cluster 1 in Kedungkandang District, Malang City regarding the implementation of the TPACK approach through learning models that cultivate a culture of independent learning in schools
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